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Moving along

Trying to balance being a home maker and trying to start a career from home hasn’t been easy for me. But I haven’t given up. 

A little while ago I started an online venture to sell hemp oils and different hemp products. I have my site up and running I even have someone already signed up under my name; the only problem is I haven’t made a sale yet. 

I know I’ve tried doing sales before but with makeup, and I did ok I guess I had one client. I’m being optimistic here people. I advertise my site on some of my social media site but I still haven’t gotten a bite yet. 

It would help if I did purchase products and made videos to show how stuff works but the problem is, is I do not have money to do so. Which is the reason I wanted to start this was to make money. 

To anyone who wants to try making money from home such as this, why not give it a try. I mean if it is free, like mine, there’s nothing to lose. Just make sure you are up for the challenge. 

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